
Establishing a performance tuning strategy

The Design Advisor

The DB2 Design Advisor is a tool that can help you significantly improve your workload performance. The task of selecting which indexes, materialized query tables (MQTs), clustering dimensions, or database partitions to create for a complex workload can be daunting. The Design Advisor identifies all of the objects that are needed to improve the performance of your workload.

Given a set of SQL statements in a workload, the Design Advisor generates recommendations for:


Self-tuning memory in partitioned database environments

There are few factors to determine the self tuning feature will tune the system appropriately in partitioned database environment.

When self-tuning memory is enabled for partitioned databases, a single database partition is designated as the tuning partition, and all memory tuning decisions are based on the memory and workload characteristics of that database partition.

After tuning decisions on that partition are made, the memory adjustments are distributed to the other database partitions to ensure that all database partitions maintain similar configurations.

The single tuning partition model assumes that the feature will be used only when all of the database partitions have similar memory requirements. You have to go through the following cases when determining whether to enable self-tuning memory on your partitioned database.


How Resource utilization will be done in DB2

Memory allocation

Memory allocation and deallocation occurs at various times. Memory might be allocated to a particular memory area when a specific event occurs (for example, when an application connects), or it might be reallocated in response to a configuration change.

Below figure shows the different memory areas that the database manager allocates for various uses and the configuration parameters that enable you to control the size of these memory areas. Note that in a partitioned database environment, each database partition has its own database manager shared memory set.


Performance monitoring tools and methodology

Operational monitoring of system performance

Operational monitoring refers to collecting key system performance metrics at periodic intervals over time. This information gives you critical data to refine that initial configuration to be more tailored to your requirements, and also prepares you to address new problems that might appear on their own or following software upgrades, increases in data or user volumes, or new application deployments.

Operational monitoring considerations

A DB2 database (“DB2”) system provides some excellent sources of monitoring data. The primary ones are snapshot monitors and, in DB2 Version 9.5 and later, workload management (WLM) table functions for data aggregation. Both of these focus on summary data, where tools like counters, timers, and histograms maintain running totals of activity in the system. By sampling these monitor elements over time, you can derive the average activity that has taken place between the start and end times, which can be very informative.

There is no reason to limit yourself to just metrics that the DB2 product provides. In fact, data outside of the DB2 software is more than just a nice-to-have. Contextual information is key for performance problem determination. The users, the application, the operating system, the storage subsystem, and the network - all of these can provide valuable information about system performance. Including metrics from outside of the DB2 database software is an important part of producing a complete overall picture of system performance.
