
Difference between Online Reorg and Offline Reorg in DB2

Online reorg vs Offline reorg:

Offline or Classical Reorg:

So many people think that Offline reorg quiesces the database, so no applications are able to connect or access the tables. But while performing offline reorg applications can access tables, but they have limited access. Read access only at the time of SORT and BUILD phases.

It needs some extra space in the same tablespace where the table resides or in temp_tablespace, because it copies the entire table into that extra space and reorganizes there.

Online or Inplace reorg:

User can access tables there are no restrictions, but the performance becomes slow. But in Online reorg we can access data in all the phases except truncation phase. Creates Lock-waits. No temp_tablespace required, because this process reorganizes table data part by part. 

Please find the remaining differences below:

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