
How to resolve this Query Optimization issue?

Query Optimization Issue:

Assume that a query is executing by a application developer or a client. The query has all the indexes on the columns which are required and performed well upto certain time, suddenly got complaints about the same query that it is not performing well taking too much time to retrieve. Please leave your valuable comments how you people can resolve this issue.


Difference between Online Reorg and Offline Reorg in DB2

Online reorg vs Offline reorg:

Offline or Classical Reorg:

So many people think that Offline reorg quiesces the database, so no applications are able to connect or access the tables. But while performing offline reorg applications can access tables, but they have limited access. Read access only at the time of SORT and BUILD phases.


What are the different phases of Online & Offline Reorg in DB2 ?

Different Phases of Reorg:

Basically Reorg sorts the data using index scan or table scan and moves the records from one page to a previous page which has some free space due to deletion of rows from a table to reclaim the space.

There are "TWO" types of reorgs:
  • ==> Offline reorg or Classic reorg
  • ==> Online reorg or Inplace reorg
Each reorg type consists of different phases of execution.


What are the DB2 LUW DBA daily activities?

DB2 DBA Daily Activities:

Daily Activities:

  • ==> Verify all the instances and databases are running.
  • ==> Check the backup status of the databases.
  • ==> Check the archiving of database logs.
  • ==> Verify the pruning of database backups and archival logs.
  • ==> Check the status of Reorg/Runstats jobs if you have enabled.
  • ==> Check the db2 diagnostic logs and notification logs.
  • ==> Check the size/status of each mount database server is using.


How to take data Online Backup in DB2?

Data Backups in DB2

Offline Backup:

Offline backup means we can take the data when there are no connections from the applications to the database. No need to configure any database configuration parameter such as LOGARCHMETH1, LOGARCHMETH2 etc..


How to replicate instance configuration parameters in DB2?

db2cfexp – Connectivity Confg Export tool command

It'll export the database manager and all the instance level configuration, registry variables, node details, database details including remote databases and protocol information details into an external file.
