
How to resolve SQL20249N The statement was not processed error?

Hello All, recently we cloned the OS layer to build the DEV environment same as QA. As part of this, we prepared to restore the old DEV database backup into newly build DEV database. Then after the system support team will shut down the old DEV machine.

We restored the database to the new dev database and changed the hostname of the new server same as old one. So, the hostname change activity has to be done from DB side too. We did all the process and tried to connect from the Data Studio to test the connection establishment. We succeeded in connectivity, but while trying to get the list of tables Data Studio throws an error such as "Fetching the Schema failed"


Script to Reduce the tablespace size and reduce the free pages


# Establishing database connection
db2 "connect to itgdb"

# Gathering the tablespaces other than temporary and placing them in a file
db2 list tablespaces show detail | grep -i -A2 name | tac | sed '/Temporary/I,+2 d' | tac | grep -i name | awk '{print $3}' > /tmp/TablespaceList.out

# Using for loop to get the tablespace name one by one
for i in `cat /tmp/TablespaceList.out`

# Gathering free pages count for each tablespace
db2 list tablespaces show detail | grep -i -A9 $i | grep -i 'free pages' | awk '{print $4}' > /tmp/FreePages.out

FreePages=`cat /tmp/FreePages.out`

# Comparing whether the free pages are more than 1000 or not
if [ $FreePages -gt 1000 ]

# If the free pages are more than 1000 then reducing them
db2 "alter tablespace $i reduce max"


Monitoring database backup performance in db2

Monitoring backup performance:

Sometimes it is difficult to know why the backup process is slow down. So for that we need continuous monitoring on backup process. Here we present some scenarios and monitoring steps to monitor the backup process in db2.

Starting with DB2 V10.1 FixPack 2, every successful backup or restore operation logged into the db2diag.log file. This feature also exists in DB2 V9.7, but must be enabled by using the DB2_BAR_STATS registry variable.

The meanings of the various columns are as follows:


Basic concepts that are useful to design and implement a successful backup strategy in db2

The following concepts are critical to designing and implementing a successful backup strategy:

  • --> Balanced table spaces are the primary factor
  • --> Difference between system managed space (SMS) and database managed space (DMS)             tablespaces
  • --> What pages are included in an incremental or delta backup





Step by Step installation of DB2 V10.5 on Linux


There are total three types of installations in DB2. Those are:

==> Using DB2SETUP (GUI)
==> Using Command Prompt
==> Using Response file

This article lets you know steps to install DB2 using db2setup (GUI). 

Disk and memory requirements:

Each product need to have some disk and memory space for the installation.
Lets take a look at that.


Performance information that we have to take from users

Performance information that users can provide

We can notice the system tuning is required when first we get a complaint from the users. 


When we do not have enough time to change the performance tuning objectives, we can know the performance statistics by asking few questions to the users who complains us about the performance degrade.

we can usually determine where to start looking for a problem by asking a few simple questions.
Those are..


How Will Logging Process happen in DB2?

What is a Log:

Log is nothing but a transaction log. A transaction log is a file which stores the history of actions executed by a database management system, which is used to recover at the time of crashes.

All databases maintain log files that keep records of database changes.

Types of logging strategy choices:

1. Circular logging
2. Retain log records
