
How to resolve error SQL30082N reason code 42 when Connect to a database through client

Receiving error SQL30082N reason code 42 when Connect to a database via client

Once I've received a complaint from our internal team, that they are unable to connect to the database from the DB2 Client terminal. 

Operating System: Windows
DB2 Client Version: V9.7 AESE
DB2 Server Version: V9.7 AESE


C:\Users\test>db2 connect to sampledb user test1 using test1

SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "42" ("ROOT CAPABILITY REQUIRED").  SQLSTATE=08001


Any changes on DB2 files such as db2ckpwd that require root permissions can result in this error message.

Diagnosing the problem:


Resolving the problem:

Often a simple update ran against the instance using the db2iupdt command will correct permissions on DB2 files.

As root run the command "db2iupdt <instance name>".


1) cd to sqllib/security
2) run: ls -l 
3) Check the permission's on the db2chpw and db2ckpw they should be:
       -r-s--x--x 1 root inst1 51195 Dec 1 15:33 db2chpw 
       -r-s--x--x 1 root inst1 3534773 Dec 1 15:33 db2ckpw 
If you need to change the permission's of those files run the following commands (this needs to be done as root, since the files are owned by root): 
        chmod 4511 db2chpw 
        chmod 4511 db2ckpw 
Stop and restart the instance.


  1. Can you please extend the installation process for DB2 11.5?

    1. Hi Madhu, sure I'll update a post with 11.5 installation.

      Thanks & Regards

